Indoor and outdoor sports events were held on 28th April and
5th May 2024 as a part of Kriva - Annual cultural and sports events. Indoor Games
were held at Dental indoor stadium on 28th April. Games like Chess, Badminton,
table tennis and Carrom were conducted. Outdoor sports was organised on 5th of
May at dental college ground where Dodgeball, throwball and volleyball was
played. Cricket match was held on 25th May 2024 at medical college ground. A
friendly game of Tug of war was played between all the students and was enjoyed
thoroughly by students and the staff of SDMCPT on the last day of cultural day.
Prize distribution for all the events were held on the same day, that is on 1st June
3rd year BPT BATCH won the General trophy for sports championship. All the BPT
and MPT Students participated in large numbers and made it a grand success.
April 28, May 5 & 25, June 1 2024
KRIVA 2024 : Annual Sports Events