Awards & Achievements
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6th September 2024 Winner of I Speak Contest
On 06-09-2024, Mr. Hardik H Rane, BPT III Year, virtually participated in I Speak Contest organized by JCI India Zone XI and secured First Place among 30 participants from all 30 Zones of the country in Junior Category level. Top 10 speakers were awarded and Top 2 will represent JCI India at the International Level in JCI Thailand Public Speaking Contest.

17th August 2024 First Place in Men's Team Event
Mr. Siddhanth Jain, BPT III year and Mr. Sandesh Jathanna, BPT II year had participated in badminton tournament held on 17th August 2024 in SDM Dental Indoor Sports Complex organised by National Sports Day Celebration Committee Dharwad (In the memory of Major Dhyan Chand's birthday & Sports Day Celebration on 29th August 2024) and secured the first place in men's team event category.

28th & 29th October 2023 1st Prize in Effective Public Speaking Chamionship
Mr. Hardik Rane 2nd year BPT, has participated in Effective Public Speaking Championship and has secured 1st place and was declared as Winner on topic ENTREPRENEURSHIP THE BEST PATH FOR YOUTH EMPOWERMENT IN INDIA organized at National Level by JCI India at Hotel Laxmi Empire Margao, Goa on 28th and 29th October 2023. The Championship included 3 rounds 1st round was to speak on a given topic, 2nd round was on Panel discussion and 3rd round on Effective Public speaking on topic.

5th October 2023 World Anantomy Day
Ms. Rashmi Bhat, Ms. Mahek Shafi Mustaq Savanur, Ms. Aishwarya Nidagundi, Ms. Anna Prabhu Tumkur, Ms. Ashwini V Bhandage and Ms. Saanchi S Kathare participated in the competition and Secured 3 rd prize in the Anatomy Model making competition organized by the Dept. of Anatomy, SDMCMSH, on the celebration of World Anatomy Day for the undergraduates of all constituent units of SDM University.

29th & 30th September 2023 2nd Place in Neaon Flix State Level Badminton Tournament
Ms. Prathiksha M L and Ms. Shreya Shetty 2 nd year BPT students of SDMCPT participated in Neon Flix state level Badminton tournament organised by RV College of Physiotherapy, Bangalore on 29 th and 30 th September 2023. They participated in students category and won the Second place.

28th & 29th January 2023. First Prize for Paper Presentation in PhD Category at ICPT International Conference, Mumbai
Dr Sudhir Bhatbolan secured First Prize for Paper presentation in PhD category at ICPT International conference, Mumbai held on 28th and 29th January 2023. Topic of the study presented: Computer Game based rehabilitation interface and its training effect on dexterity functions of hemiparetic upper extremity. Randomized Controlled Trial

23rd & 24th of June 2022 1st Place in Neon Flix 5.0 Badminton Tournament
Sudhir Bhatbolan Associate Professor SDMCPT participated in Neon Flix 5.0 state level Badminton tournament organised by RV College of Physiotherapy, Bangalore on 23rd and 24th of June 2022. He participated in staff/ clinicians category and won the First place. Four of our undergraduate students - Vedith, Pavansai, Hemanth and Subhash also participated in the Men's category for students.