Our department has the following training facilities provided for the students so that they are well versed in Chest Physiotherapy, cardiac rehabilitation, pulmonary rehabilitation, vascular disease management, preventive cardiology and management of patient in pre- operative and post-operative conditions.
Chest physiotherapy is integral part of patient care that starts from Intensive Care Unit till the patient gets discharged. It helps in clearing lung secretions and maintaining oxygen saturation. Various techniques are used to increase lung volume and prevent chest infections (along with regular medication) for faster recovery of the patient. The goal of chest Physiotherapy is to get back the patient to do his/her daily functional activities. Various Rehabilitation Programs are designed under chest Physiotherapy for better patient care such as:
Cardiac Rehabilitation Program:
Starts from pre operative phase, soon after cardiac surgery and OPD stages, treatment includes strengthening of respiratory muscles. Prevention of respiratory and circulatory complication, exercise testing and training.
Pulmonary Rehabilitation:
Examination of disability due to respiratory disease like obstructive and restrictive lung disorders ( Eg. Bronchitis asthma) Various techniques that helps to clear airway secretion eg. postural drainage exercise training to increase the fitness level.
Vascular Diseases:
Exercises for restoration of compromised circulation eg. Burger's exercise Prevention of atherosclerosis by exercises Treatment of ulcers (arterial, venous) by physical modalities like LASER, UVR etc.
Preventive Cardiology:
Exercise testing and exercise prescription to prevent various cardiac disorders with various sophisticated instruments like motorized treadmill, bicycle ergometer and multi gym.
Physiotherapy facilities available at ICU, physiotherapy department functions in ICU for the patient who is on mechanical ventilator in preventing respiratory complications like pneumonia, ARDS etc. to maintain joint mobility, muscle strength and early mobilization etc.
Pre & Post Operative:
Pulmonary physiotherapy feeding for maxillofacial surgeries in conditions like cancer, trauma etc.