Clinical training in community physiotherapy is designed to integrate the knowledge gained by the students in community medicine and community physiotherapy theory classes and other areas with skills to apply these in clinical situations of health and disease and its prevention. The objective of the training is that after the specified hours of lectures and demonstrations the student will be able to differentiate between impairment ,disability and handicap, calculate the percentage of disability, identify and educate the people with disability(PWD) regarding available schemes and benefits by the government, plan suitable rehabilitation methods to prevent further disabilities/dysfunctions due to various disease conditions and plan and set treatment goals, provide environmental modifications and apply the expertise skills in rehabilitating, restoring functions and improving the quality of life of the PWD.
We at SDM extend our services in the community and reach the remote villages of Dharwad district. We are focused on the education and training of frontline CBR workers i,e. the self-help groups (SHG) and ASHA workers to identify disabilities in children, women and others and help them to manage at primary health care centers.
Under CBR, we also visit various industries or factories to identify the work-related musculoskeletal disorders and train them with proper ergonomics.
We broaden our services by visiting an old age home near to our hospital. The terminally ill patients are given bed side physiotherapy and the other elderly participate in the group physiotherapy sessions like sitting or chair aerobics, resistance and flexibility exercises, cognitive exercises, tai-chi and other functional activities.
Innovative teaching methods, workshops, and other small group activities have been identified as useful means for facilitating cultural competency and reasoning skills in CBR practitioners. Community physiotherapy at SDM advocates for the use of a problem-based learning approach to teach CBR in higher education.