1st Karnataka Physiocon 2024 state level conference was held on 16th & 17th February 2024 it was a 4 day event where SDM College Physiotherapy hosted the event.
On 15th February 2024 Pre Conference workshop was held on topic "Pelvic Girdle dysfunction" by Dr. Pearlson K in which 29 delegates had participated. Dr. Shweta Kulkarni,Professor had organized the event.
On 16th & 17th February 2024 Conference was held which had 15 lectures with live demonstration of cases by various resource persons from Physiotherapy in Musculoskeletal & Sports, Neurophysiotherapy, Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy and Pediatric Physiotherapy & Ethics. There was panel discussion by Physiotherapy in Pediatric, Musculoskeletal & Sports, Neurophysiotherapy & Cardiorespiratory along with medical Practitioners form their respective electives. 2200 delegates attended the conference from 56 Physiotherapy colleges around the state.
There was scientific presentations scheduled which included platform, poster & model making competition for faculty, PG & UG students. Dr. Sudhir Bhatbolan, Professor had organized the event.
Along with each resource person's lecture, there was Quiz organized through "KAHOOT" app related to the lectures delivered by the resource person and questions provided by them. Dr. Aishwarya D & Dr. Tulasi K Lecturers, had organized the event.
A cultural evening was organized on 16th February 2024 where solo singing, solo dance & group dance competition was conducted with 53 entries. The chief guest for the event was Mr. Sandeep Reddy vanga alumni of SDM College Physiotherapy. Dr. Shweta Kulkarni, Professor had organized the event.
The Inauguration ceremony was held on 16th Feb 2024 where Mr. Prahlad Joshi, Minister of Parliamentary affairs was the chief guest & Guest of honor were Dr. Niranjan Kumar Vice Chancellor Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara University, Dr. Madhavi interim member of NCHAP, Smt. Padmalatha Niranjan, BOG member SDMU, Dr. Ali Irani HOD Nanavati Hospital Mumbai & Dr. Suresh babu Reddy vice president of IAP. Dr. Sharmila D, Professor was the MOC for the event.
The valedictory function was held on 17th Feb 2024 where Mr. Basavaraj Horatti, Speaker & MLC was the chief guest and the guest of honor were Dr. Kiran Hegde, Medical superintendent of S D M College of Medical Sciences & Hospital and Dr. Sanjeev Jha ,President IAP, Dr. Sanjay Parmar Principal SDMCPT, Dr. Ifthikar Ali organizing chairman, Dr. Madhulika Horatti organizing secretary were present. Dr. Salima, Professor was the MOC for the event.
On 18th Feb 2024 Post conference workshop was organized on topic "Neuro Rehabilitation current state of technology assisted rehab of impaired function in pediatric to geriatric population" by Dr. Tony S from Canada Manitoba university, Dr. Sanjay P, Dr. Salima SDMCPT, Dr. Kavisha, Winnipeg Canada were the resource person for the workshop and 28 delegates had participated for the same. Dr. Salima Bijapuri had organized the event.