Theme: "Digital Equity for All Ages"
International Day for older persons 2021 was celebrated at Vanaprastha old age home, Dharwad.
The International Day of Older Persons is an opportunity to highlight the important contributions that older people make to society and raise awareness of the issues and challenges of ageing in today's world. This year the theme is "Digital Equity for All Ages" which affirms the need for access and meaningful participation in the digital world by older persons.
The Community Physiotherapy unit of SDM college of Physiotherapy celebrated this day at the vanaprastha old age ashram, Saraswatpur, Dharwad.
The elderly people were made aware of the use of smart phones and digitalization in today's era. Also, the upcoming computer game-based rehabilitation for improvement in balance and gait impairments in elderly were emphasized.
Elderly people who are bed ridden or cannot participate in group sessions are given individual tailor-made exercises at their bed side. The rest gather together for group sessions.
The elderly people are well informed about the importance of following exercise prescription to avoid any adverse effects and undue pains and aches.
All types of exercises like aerobics, resistance, flexibility and balance exercise are done twice a week (every Tuesday and Thursday). Approximately 90 to 120 min of exercise sessions per week is carried out for the health benefits of the elderly in the ashram.
All the elderly participates in the group exercises and enjoy the sessions.