The Graduation ceremony of Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara University was held on 27.03.2024 in which 24 post graduates and 71 under graduates from S D M College of Physiotherapy were graduated. Dr. Prema Dhanaraj, Founder of Agni Raksha, Bengaluru, Former Professor & Head of Plastic, Reconstructive, Maxillofacial, Craniofacial, Micro vascular and Burns Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery CMC, Vellore was the Chief Guest for the event. The honourable Chancellor Shri D. Veerendra Heggade declared the opening & closing of Convocation and thanked everyone who was part of this event and he addressed the importance of having a goal and vision towards their career. Dr. Niranjan Kumar, Vice-Chancellor presented the Welcome address. Dr. Chidendra Shettar, Registrar Presented the University report. Dr S K Joshi, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academics) administered the Oath to the graduates and Post graduates. Dr. Sanjay Parmar, Principal presented the report of S D M College of Physiotherapy. Dr. Deepak Kanabur, Vice Principal presented the the Awardees of all the constituent institutes and Dr. Ajantha, Deputy Registrar proposed the Vote of Thanks. Dr. Shweta Kulkarni was the Master of ceremony and Dr. Salima Bijapuri proposed Vote of thanks for S D M College of Physiotherapy graduation ceremony.
Topper in MPT (2022-23 BATCH)
Ms. Khushboo Gupta, MPT in Cardio Respiratory & General Physiotherapy & MPT II year.
Ms. Bhagyashri Ranavari, I year MPT in Pediatrics.
Topper in BPT (2022-23 BATCH)
Ms. Tejal Angadi